We all have stained clothes, ruined boots, and some, much, much more. Most of our neighbors learned something from this experience, we have felt and expressed sadness and grief for the loss of children and friends, we have worked with strangers and new friends side-by-side at homes to which we have never been, and we have all learned a lesson in what it means to be a community.
There is a blessing in this tragedy, a small silver lining to otherwise formidable dark clouds, and this lining is Wimberley itself, it’s resolve, it’s sense of duty, and it’s people. I have never before felt blessed to live in a particular place and I have never before seen swarms of neighbors helping neighbors.
We all watched truck after truck pull into Wimberley Ace Hardware, Cypress Creek Church, KAPS, and Bridges Gym, loaded with supplies, food, volunteers, and love.
I do not ever want this feeling to end.
As a member of the WPOA Board, we all want to take this spark of community and build it into a raging fire. We would like to see the solidarity of neighbors grow as we continue to take care of own.
Lawsuits are over, we have money in the bank (which we cannot wait to spend on our neighborhood) and we are crafting plans for a positive future. We need your opinions, your volunteerism, your ideas and hopes, and we need your presence as we move forward. I invite everyone to come to our next meeting, positive and hopeful, and let’s see what good can’t be done.
Kemp H. Bromberg