Dear Woodcreek North Neighbor,
Students enrolled in the Spring 2019 Urban Planning Practicum class in the Texas State University Department of Geography are collaborating with the Woodcreek Property Owners Association (WPOA) Board of Directors to conduct a survey of your neighborhood, and we want to hear from you!
The survey and information collected from it will contribute to a broader strategic planning effort being initiated by the WPOA Board. In short, the WPOA wants to know more about you, your vision for the community, your top priorities for and concerns with the community, and the types of events or opportunities that you would like to see available in Woodcreek North. Your input is critical for developing a responsive decision-making framework that will inform the actions of the current and all future WPOA Boards.
Please note that your answers are strictly confidential. The information you provide will not be reported in any way that allows you, your property, or your personal details to be individually identified. Depending on the level of detail in your responses, the approximate time to complete the survey is 15-30 minutes. If you are completing a hardcopy of the survey, please return the completed form to the WPOA office located at 106 Pleasant Valley Road.
If you have questions or feedback on this survey, or if you would like to be involved in the WPOA Board’s strategic planning efforts, please contact the supervising Texas State professor for this project (and current WPOA Board Member), Rusty Weaver, at
You can take the survey online by clicking here
You may also print the survey and take it to the office [ Pdf version ]
Thank you for your time and your valuable feedback!
Students of the Spring 2019 Planning Practicum at Texas State University
Completion of the survey indicates your willingness to participate in this project and that you are at least eighteen years old. Thank you for your help.